Karli Nicole Engelbrecht

Karli Nicole Engelbrecht

Monday, December 21, 2015

The Savior

Hey family and friends,

(I apologize for how short this is going to be today (we have a big meeting today)

I was definitely wallowing in my own self pity at the beginning of this Christmas season. I missed my family and the people that I wanted around me. In the midst of this I was beginning to stress about things that really don't matter. A couple days this week I ended up getting sick again ( the same old stuff ) however, it gave me an opportunity to reflect on why I was so upset. I realized that I was not focusing on the true meaning of Christmas : the Savior. Even as a missionary I was getting lost in all the people's hussle and bussle around me. If you have the new Christmas ensign, read some of it because that is what helped me. I realized that even though we may not have family around or the exact situations we hope for we have the ultimate family and gift with us all the time, the

This week we have had an awesome week. Something that I found really helped me was going to a gym our member has everyday this week and holy moly I am sore but it has helped my health issues a TON. I feel sooo good after I am done. Second with this new perspective Sister Cook and I were trying to share more with people. One of our investigators said that he wanted to be baptized on the 2nd lesson and that he wants their baby to be blessed. There were tears people. I cannot describe the joy that was in that room with the whole family. Willie does not have a date yet but we are going to work towards that with him.

I guess I just want to impress upon you my testimony of the Savior. This is the time when we should be turning outward and not just SAY we will. I would encourage you to invite 1 person to church this week and it can even be over text. The worst they will say is no. We should be the ones to bring people "glad tidings of great joy". D&C 8:33

For what doth it profit a man if a gift is bestowed upon him, and he receive not the gift? Behold, he rejoices not in that which is given unto him, neither rejoices in him who is the giver of the gift.

With all my love,
Sister Engelbrecht

p.s. christmas pillows :D
p.p.s. isnt my mom the best for sending me a peice of home

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