Karli Nicole Engelbrecht

Karli Nicole Engelbrecht

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Jan. 4, 2016 I am not in charge~

Family and friends,

Our email time has become limited to an hour now and so it is really hard to tell you everything I want to and respond to all of your emails, I promise I will get around to it, it just might take longer so I am sorry!!! 

This week was a huge miracle for so many reasons. Talk about reigning in the new year! We were able to start teaching 3 new people. 

Meet Anna she is a single woman about age 20-23. She is so prepared and really loves the Savior. As we have taught her she has just been "getting it". She keeps texting us saying she is so excited to see us again. We were able to set a baptism date with her. 

Meet Michael and Chelsea. They are in their early 20's and have a baby boy. We met with them yesterday and it was very clear that the spirit was directing that lesson not us. I love when you get into a lesson and the spirit tells you to teach something different than you planned all together. They also accepted baptism. It is just so neat to see that the gospel really does touch people of all different backgrounds. 

Okay the coolest thing of all!!! Sarah our less active who's fiance is taking the lessons, came to church and bore her testimony!!! She probably hasn't been to church in several years. It was the coolest thing to see her walk in. The spirit from all of the less actives at church yesterday was INCREDIBLE. It just reminds me that we are all a part of Christ's fold.
I am so grateful that this really is the Lords work!!! I am not in charge and as soon as I realize that I feel like the miracles happen. We are so insignificant in our amount that we can give to God but he magnifies every bit. 

We checked on so many referrals this week and had a blast!!! Went out to the far ends of our area which is always so great!! Even got a marriage offer by the guy selling honey on the side of the road. He gave us a not that said:

"Hi, I am Bill Morgan. A good man. (thats the best part) I am 78. I need a wife. 18-38 and 115 lbs to 135 lbs (well I already don't fit the regulations :p) I have lots of pretty stuff, lipstick and clothes, women things.......laaaady adaaaaady da. 

It was the funniest thing!!!! I wasn't looking for that kind of honey. 

Thought y'all would enjoy that. Hope your week goes well <3

Lots of love,
Sister Engelbrecht

1 comment:

  1. If you would like an alternative to casually approaching girls and trying to figure out the right thing to do...

    If you would prefer to have women pick YOU, instead of spending your nights prowling around in noisy bars and night clubs...

    Then I urge you to play this short video to learn a strange secret that can literally get you your very own harem of sexy women:

