Karli Nicole Engelbrecht

Karli Nicole Engelbrecht

Monday, March 9, 2015

It is whether or not we recognize it that we get to enjoy it.

WOW, this week flew by
Sorry for the short email
The highlight of my week this week was with an investigator we have right now named Brandon Meadows. I think I had mentioned him last week. He is part of a music group called the WeRdoZ I think is how you spell it. They are trying to spread the "word of Jesus" through hip hop but do it in a way that appeals to people. While that is really awesome, it also is a testimony to me of the fact that we are in the last days because the truth is, God will never be popular and that is something that is going to get harder and harder. It seems so normal and good for people to say that "od is a cool guy" but those honestly are the discrete ways that the adversary is going to trick the world. That boy though is truly incredible. We taught him the restoration this time and when we told him of the first vision he stood up and freaked out, saying "Oh my gosh Oh my gosh, this is right, this is true" He is really unrealistically prepared. Can I just say God really watches out for us missionaries. Every time we meet with him my testimony grows so much, to be able to see someone who hasn't had the truth, hear it for the first time and touch their heart so specifically testifies to me that nothing, absolutely nothing God does is on accident.
This week we also got to help one of our less active recent converts move. So basically we got to wear pants!!! She is about to leave the church and we are so worried about her. She showed up for sacrament meeting yesterday for 20 minutes which was a huge miracle.
Sister Odom got an eye infection this week that was diagnosed as something that could make her go blind we spent some time in urgent care and lots of resting. She has been so sick from the antibiotics and steroids that I have had a lot of time to study my scriptures. I have also been reading Jesus the Christ. Yesterday in Relief Society we talked about having an abundant life. The thought came to me that we already have abundant lives, it is whether or not we recognize it that we get to enjoy it. That was something I definitely needed to hear having an unpredictable couple past weeks. I am so blessed to be a missionary, the power and protection I feel from God each day is tremendous. Thank you all for your prayers lately I am doing much better.
Sister Engelbrecht
P.s. these pictures are on the university that we spend tons of time

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