Karli Nicole Engelbrecht

Karli Nicole Engelbrecht

Monday, May 18, 2015

Time for a change!

This week has been all sorts of crazy!
The weather first of all has been quite the experience. Every night we have had storms- thunder and lightning all the way. #1 Tornado sirens sound like the end of the world and #2 you will never find me in a stinking tiny tornado shelter unless we are all dying. Other than constantly dealing with Tornado threats this week we have been seeing so many miracles.
The highlight of this week is about a guy named Kyle. He is 26 and lives with his parents. He was a referral from the Del City Elders because they met him at Rose state college. We called him Thursday night and he answered the phone with much enthusiasm. He was excited to hear from us and told us that he had a lot of respect for the Mormon religion and wanted so badly to be a part of it. He asked how he could join?! Umm hello, when does that happen :) We then met with him Friday afternoon and taught him about baptism and got to know him a little better. He has studied a lot of different religions and he kept saying "I feel like this is the one I want for life, it is a new chapter." He was so excited about baptism that we could not get through the restoration and so we ended up inviting him to baptism for June 13 and he was stoked. After he accepted the tears started flowing and he insisted we pray right then and end the meeting. Sister Jones and I walked out of there shocked and so greatful. Kyle was a complete god send. Sunday rolled around and he came to Church and really enjoyed it.
I was so happy to be able to talk to my family yesterday and share a bit of my experiences. I love them so so much and the more I grow in my relationship with God the more I realize how important they are to me.
I am headed to Wichita Falls, Texas this week for transfers and my new companion will be Sister Young. It is going to be a good change. I am excited and obviously a bit nervous but I do love moving so that is definitely nice :) I will send me address next week and let y'all know how it is going. Love you so much!
-Sister Engelbrecht
​P.s. This is Sophia Iyiewuare from Nigeria...I am seriously gonna miss this girl!

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